

During the initial architectural design phase, a suitable structural system is put to facilitate the fulfilment of the architectural requirements, followed in the next phase by the performance of analyses of all the different elements of the structure (foundations, columns, beams, slabs, walls, etc.) whether it was a steel or R.C structure, and using the latest editions of the designing programs to satisfy the standards and requirements of the national and the international codes, and taking into consideration the wind and seismic resistances or any other requirements of the project such as the calculations of the vibrations, the cracks or the environmental factors, the design phases also submits to the requirements of quality achievement and sticks to the time schedule, thanks to a work team that is completely skilled, experienced, professional and comprehensive of the principles and requirements of designing and the nature of the structural works and projects that is assigned to them, through the involvement in projects that sometimes included unconventional requirements and formed challenges that they overcame them successfully. 

The different activities of the construction department as the following: – The designing of all the types of buildings whether it was a residential, industrial or service building with various heights, in addition to some types of special structures such as helipads, bridges and pedestrian tunnels. – The designing of steel structures for industrial projects and commercial centers, in addition to the long span roofs of halls and courts. Making the different design and workshop drawings. – Making the detailed calculation sheets for the different projects to clarify the principles and the steps of the designing procedures. – Reinforcing, supporting and repairing existing structures. – Providing of the different licenses and certificates of the insurance federation or any other certifying entity. – The continuous supervising of the structural works in the construction site and working on finding solutions for emerging problems answering any Queries that may arise. -The studying of existing structures that may require the change of its function and rehabilitating it to meet its new purpose.