Redhill Baptist Church, Hatchlands Road, Redhill – UK

Redhill Baptist Church, Hatchlands Road, Redhill – UK

Project Details | Scope

RDJW Architects were asked to look at the possibility of redeveloping their existing church premises in Hatchlands Road, Redhill. Our initial inspection identified a considerable volume of the building which was underutilized. This came about because of the buildings original concrete framed structure. The proposals we put forward were to leave the worship space in its original position but to create a new floor through the remainder of the building. By locating the main hall at the first-floor level enabled us to accommodate a significant number of facilities at the ground floor level, including meeting rooms, kitchen, and new toilet facilities. The building is set on a sloping site that enabled us to access the building both at its center and at the rear of the site, thus enabling the preschool activities to have its own entrance to the main hall space.